Monday, September 1, 2008


Hi All,

VLSI and Circuit Design domains have been amongst the hottest in Electrical Engineering (or ECE) . I did my undergrad at Malviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur, India. VLSI and Circuit Design domains had been amongst the stronger ones at ECE, MNIT.

Now that I am doing MS in the same area (from University of Texas at Austin) and have some work experience doing circuit designs at IBM before this, I would like to contribute towards the further development of these fields in MNIT and other Engineering colleges in India. I will use this blog space to put together good VLSI design learning materials, tools and other resources. Also present ECE undergrad students may contact me here with there questions and queries in coursework, labs or for project ideas, and I will be more than happy to answer/help them out.

Ideas and suggestions to make this space more useful are very welcome from all students, teachers and circuit designers.

Best Wishes,


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